In 1970, Helmut Thorberger started to breed Primula acaulis. His passion to create healthy and robust plants with large flowers still guides us today.
His daughter Susanne Wison was soon involved in the family business of flower breeding. She remains the responsible breeder of Hethor acaulis today. With her great passion she is the guarantor for continuous development.”
The protected name of Hethor acaulis, being composed of the grower’s first name and surname, was created in 1989.
In 2010, management of the company was passed to Felix Wison, continuing the family business into the 3rd generation. The name of the company was changed to “Hethors flowers”.
Hethor Flowers becomes one of the seven founding members of the PlusPlants Group. You will find more information here.
The business continues to grow with a new construction area of 6.500m². The Hethor ranges are now bred and produced on a total under glass surface of 2.6 ha.
Hethor Sales GmbH
Linnenhee 37
46514 Schermbeck
028 53 95 05 0
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